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Meet the team who have engineered this adrenaline-pumping Cybersecurity event from the ground up! Our diverse team of tech aficionados, code wizards, and event orchestrators has meticulously crafted every facet of this experience. From the CTF platform that's your gateway to this digital adventure, to the deviously clever challenges that will test your cyber prowess, and the logistics ensuring a seamless event day – it's all been meticulously curated by this talented crew. Secure your spot today and be part of the action!

Hall of Fame

Konstantinos Papanagnou
Christopher Pliatsikas
Konstantinos Pantazis
Dimitris Binichakis
Anne-Claire Dalle
Theodoros Georgopoulos
Alexandros Georgopoulos
Alexandros Rapsomanikis
George Lymperis
Effimia Xanthopoulou