2025 Edition
The Cyber Security Challenge Greece is a cyber security event for students in Greece. Based on the principles of a Capture the Flag (CTF), this cyber security competition will be a scenario-based game played by teams of maximum 4 students. The Challenge takes place at the 28th of March 2025, at the University of West Attica in Athens with hubs in Patras hosted by the University of Peloponnese, Thessaloniki at the Aristotle University and Samos at the University of Aegean by the Information and Communication Systems Engineering department.
We launched the first edition of the Cyber Security Challenge in Belgium in 2015. After multiple successful editions and each year growing keen interest from the industry, the Cyber Security Challenge has become a not to miss event for students and industry professionals. Therefore, we decided to expand the Cyber Security Challenge to Greece in order to raise awareness and interest of students that are about to complete their education.
The challenge is open to teams of maximum 4 students. It will be a hybrid event, so that both on-site teams and remote teams can participate. However, only on-site teams are eligible to compete for prizes, which will be awarded to the finalists at the venue in Athens during the Award Ceremony at the end of the competition.
During the CTF, the teams must solve challenges within 6 hours featuring some Jeopardy style challenges and at the same time some scenario based challenges with multiple flags in between. The students will be 'hired' by the fictional company and perform some types of assessments (This year's edition is Penetration Testing, Forensics Analysis and OSINT). The complexity of challenges ranges from easy up to nightmare. To get a feel for what you can expect you can always head over to the write-ups of the previous editions on GitHub. The top winning on-site teams of the event might also be eligible to honorary prizes.
No one will leave empty handed from the CyberSecurity Challenge Greece, however, the top teams are in for some amazing prizes:
Sans On-Demand Courses
For each member of the winning team, SANS Institute gives out 1 On-Demand Course for any SANS course of your choice.
70% cut-off admission fee & LPI Certification
For each member of the second ranked team, CNAM University offers a one-time 70% cut-off for the Master Classes in Network and IoT and LPI gives out 1 Security Essentials Certification voucher
Silver Annual Academy & Fortinet Access Point
For each member of the third ranked team, HackTheBox gives out 1 Silver Annual Academy subscription and GCC Hellas gives out 1 Fortinet Access Point.
VIP+ Annual Lab Subscription
For each member of the fourth ranked team, HackTheBox gives out 1 VIP+ Annual subscription.
3-month Prolab Subscription
For each member of the fifth ranked team, HackTheBox gives out a 3-month Prolab subscription
Got questions? We have an answer.
Here is a list of answers to frequently asked questions about the Cyber Security Challenge. You can also send us all your questions at info@cybersecuritychallenge.gr.
For those that are planning on joining the CTF remotely the registration process is straight forward. Create an account on our platform, register your team and you're set.
For those that are planning on joining us on-site, the registration process consists of a few more steps.
If you don't receive an email, feel free to reach out to us on Discord. We will also contact you in case a member of your team has not completed the registration process.
Do note that our locations have a limited capacity of seats. This means that we will be accepting completely registered teams first. So make sure, you and your teammates complete the registration process as soon as possible if you're planning on joining us on-site!
Make sure your team has received a formal invite to our location. Students that have not received an email will not be able to join us on-site. Do note that teams can join from multiple locations (e.g. 1 team member joining from Thessaloniki and the rest from Athens)
We understand that in some unforeseen circumstances not all members of the same team can be present in a physical location. For those cases, reach out to an admin in the discord channel (Before the event starts) to remove the missing member from your team, so your team can still be eligible to compete for prizes.
Additionally, all participants will have to create an account (If they don't have one already) on "ctf.hackthebox.com" in order to access some challenges. Make sure to complete this process in advance so you don't lose time during the event!
A good way to get started with the Cyber Security Challenge is to take a look at write-ups from some of the past Cyber Security Challenge editions:
Once you feel you’re ready to try and solve some challenges on your own, you could take a look at the "awesome-ctf repository": it contains a list of useful tools sorted per category (reversing, cryptography, web, …). It also contains a list of "wargames" available 24/7 for practicing.
For example, the "overthewire wargames" feature a series of challenges, and suggests an order in which to play them based on their difficulty. You can also ask questions on our Discord channel.
University of West Attica
The Ancient Grove Campus is located in the Municipality of Egaleo, on Str. P. Ralli and Thivon, inside the Ancient Grove area, where the famous “Walking School” of Plato as well as the St. John Church of was built in the eleventh century A.D. This church was the springboard of the “Hidden School” during the difficult years that followed the fall of Constantinople.
Aristotle University
The strategic objectives of AUTh, in the framework of its vision and mission, remain high and consistently oriented to the continuation of its tradition, namely to be a pioneer institution, standing out among Greek and many foreign Universities on all levels: education, research, culture, connection with society.
University of Peloponnese
The University of the Peloponnese (UoP) was established in 2000 as the only academic Institution of Higher Education in the Peloponnese Region (Southwestern Greece). The headquarters of UoP is in Tripolis and it comprises of five Schools and nine Departments located in the six capitals of the Peloponnese.
University of Aegean (Information and Communication Systems Engineering Department)
The Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering at the University of the Aegean, established in 1997, is located on the island of Samos, renowned as the birthplace of the ancient mathematician Pythagoras. As part of the polytechnic group of schools at the university, the department contributes to the university's emphasis on engineering and technological education.